在Microsoft Edge 中更改默认搜索引擎 将必应作为默认搜索引擎,将增强在 新版 Microsoft Edge中的搜索体验,包括直接指向 Windows 应用的链接、来自组织的相关建议(如果使用工作或学校帐户登录),和有关 Windows 的问题的即时解答。 但是,你可以将默认搜索引擎更改为使用 OpenSearch 技术的任何站点。 若要在 Microsoft Edge...
Perform a search in the address bar using the search engine you want to set as your default. SelectSettings and more>Settings. SelectPrivacy, search, and services. Scroll all the way down to theServicessection and selectAddress bar and search. ...
Microsoft Edge, by default, uses the search engine specified in App settings, which lets users make changes. You can prevent users from making changes and still use the search engine specified in App settings by disabling the Allow search engine customization policy. You can also ...
Learn about 'Setting a default search engine in Microsoft Edge'. Find all usage guide, troubleshooting tips and resources for your HUAWEI product.
How good it is can also depend on where you are, and Google is more consistently good in different parts of the world, while Bing is more heavily focused on a few key regions. Whatever your reason is, we're going to show you how to change the default search engine in Microsoft Edge....
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":1962160,"subject":"Edge Chromium default search engine using Microsoft Edge - Policies","id":"message:1962160","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":7,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:873525"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":...
DefaultSearchProviderImageURL 指定默认搜索提供程序的“按图像搜索”功能 DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams 使用POST 的图像 URL 的参数 DefaultSearchProviderKeyword 默认搜索提供程序关键字 DefaultSearchProviderName 默认搜索提供程序名称 DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL 默认搜索提供程序搜索 URL DefaultSearchProviderSugg...
DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled 將Microsoft Edge 設定為預設瀏覽器 DefaultBrowserSettingsCampaignEnabled 啟用預設瀏覽器設定活動 DefaultClipboardSetting 默認剪貼簿網站許可權 DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed 允許預設搜尋提供者操作功能表搜尋存取權 DefaultSensorsSetting 預設的感應器設定 DefaultSerialGuardSetting ...
all of your Microsoft Edge settings are supposed to sync between all of your devices. However, one of the only settings that doesn't sync, and it's be design, is your default search engine. If you want to use Google or something else, you're going to have to change that on every ...
In our company, the default search engine is managed by a GPO, per the instructions / example in the GPMC. This registry entry is shared between all versions of Edge on a machine…so it seems as though Edge Dev has the issue if Edge Stable still works fine.: ...