文章源自《智享阁》智享阁-https://www.esnpc.com/change-edge-ccache-data-directory-location/ 右键点击快捷方式选择属性,在目标后添加,比如,添加参数 --disk-cache-dir="D:\Cache" 可以将磁盘缓存目录设置为D:\Cache。目录不存在的话它会自动创建,需要注意目录最后不要输入多余的 \ ,如 D:\Cache\。文章源...
DiagnosticData 傳送關於瀏覽器使用狀況的必要和選擇性診斷資料 DirectInvokeEnabled 允許使用者使用 DirectInvoke 通訊協定開啟檔案 Disable3DAPIs 停用3D 圖形 API 支援 DisableScreenshots 停用取得螢幕擷取畫面功能 DiscoverPageContextEnabled 啟用探索 AAD 設定檔的頁面內容存取 (已過時) DiskCacheDir 設定磁碟快取目錄 ...
DiagnosticData 发送有关浏览器使用情况的必需和可选诊断数据 DirectInvokeEnabled 允许用户使用 DirectInvoke 协议打开文件 Disable3DAPIs 禁用对 3D 图形 API 的支持 DisableScreenshots 禁止拍摄屏幕截图 DiscoverPageContextEnabled 启用发现对 AAD 配置文件页面内容的访问 (过时) DiskCacheDir 设置磁盘缓存目录 DiskCache...
字段值 名称 Microsoft Edge:DiskCacheSize OMA-URI ./Device/Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Edge~Policy~microsoft_edge/DiskCacheSize 类型 字符串 值 <enabled/><data id="DiskCacheSize" value="1000000"/>字符串列表数据类型示例RestoreOnStartupURLS:展开...
The energy consumption associated with data distribution from cloud servers to cache edge nodes can be categorized into two components: firstly, the energy consumption during data transmission between cloud servers and edge servers, and secondly, the energy consumption resulting from data transmission amon...
How to clear browser cache and cookies Managing and clearing your cache and cookies depends on the device and browser you use. To clear your browser cache and cookies inMicrosoft Edge, go toSettings > Privacy > Clear browsing dataand selectCtrl+Shift+Del. You can also type "edge://se...
# Basic SSL configSSLEnableONKeyRing.../key.kdbKeyRingStash.../key.sth# Must be present to cache requests that show up over SSLSSLCachingON# Before PI75968 only:# V3CipherSpecs Must be specified. Can be "".V3CipherSpecs"352F"TLSV1EnableON# end pre-PI75968# After PI75968, opt in...
"Server", "Date", "Content-Length", "Content-Encoding", "Location", "Refresh", "Last-Modified", "Content-Range", "Accept-Ranges", "WWW-Authenticate", "Expires", "E-Tag", "ETag", "Content-Type", "X-Override-Charset", "Cache-Control", "Link", "Age", "Retry-After",这些响应头只...
Indexed DBstructured data Cookiesfor the domain Cache(request/response pairs) for service worker debugging Expand any of those categories and click on a child entry to open its resource manager tab. Local and Session storage managers Use the Local Storage manager and Session Storage manager to insp...
If the server has a different version, Microsoft Edge uses the server file and stores it in the cache container. If you already use a site list, Enterprise Mode continues to work during the 65 seconds, but uses the existing file. To add the location to your site list, enter it in the...