Now if your computer or laptop is again connected to the internet connection, you have to reload the tab to make it live again. But with the help of Auto-reload offline tabs feature, you don’t have to reload the tabs manually; the tabs will reload automatically when the internet is bac...
tab when URL or hostname matches. 8. Optionally move to the bottom of a tab after reloading occurs to read the new content 9. Reload all tabs in the current window or all browser windows 10. Reload local files (file://) 11. Optionally bypass form submissions 12. Define a p...
Tab Auto Refresh is a browser addon that helps you automatically reload (refresh) tabs of your choice. To operate with this addon, please open toolbar popup UI while you are visiting a website. Adjust time interval in seconds (i.e. 120 sec) and you are all set. Selected tab will be...
AutoImportAtFirstRun 在首次執行時,自動匯入其他瀏覽器的資料和設定 AutoLaunchProtocolsComponentEnabled 自動啟動通訊協定元件已啟用 AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins 定義一份協定清單,可在不須提示使用者的情下,從列出的來源啟動外部應用程式 AutoOpenAllowedForURLs URLs where AutoOpenFileTypes 可以套用 AutoOpenFileType...
AutoOpenFileTypes - 下载时自动打开的文件类型列表。 DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed - 允许默认搜索提供程序中的上下文菜单搜索访问。 EnableSha1ForLocalAnchors - 允许由本地信任定位点颁发的 SHA - 1 签名证书。 IntensiveWakeUpThrottlingEnabled - 控制 IntensiveWakeUpThrottling 功能。 NewTabPagePrer...
WebView2 控制件會引發事件,讓應用程式知道控制項取得焦點或失去焦點。 對於按 Tab 鍵 (按 Tab 鍵) ,有一個 API 可將焦點移至 WebView2,以及 WebView2 的事件要求應用程式重新取得焦點。.NET/C# WinRT/C# Win32/C++ CoreWebview2Controller 類: CoreWebview2Controller.GotFocus 事件 CoreWebview2...
18、Easy Auto Refresh 设置网页定时刷新。19、Reload All Tabs 一键刷新全部标签页。20、Link Grabber ...
Adds anAutofilltool to DevTools, to record various events that the browser triggers when a user is filling in a form by using the browser's autofill feature. For example, when the browser remembers your address and autofills it in an address field. ...
When you want to switch to IE mode, right click on the tab and selectReload tab in Internet Explorer mode: You can also open a link in IE mode using the right-click menu: IE mode toolbar button If you use IE mode quite often, you can add the IE mode button ...
Hello everyone, I have a legacy application that uses IE compatibility mode from Microsoft Edge then so far so good but the Edge change this setting...