用戶可以從edge://extensions頁面啟用擴充功能。 若要允許使用者安裝自我裝載延伸模組,您必須將擴充功能 CRX 標識元新增至ExtensionInstallAllowList原則,並將 CRX 檔案裝載位置的 URL 新增至ExtensionInstallSources原則。 或者,您可以使用組策略ExtensionInstallForceList,在使用者的裝置上強制安裝擴充功能。
active state (document.visibilityState = 'visible' and document.hidden = false). This is useful for the webpages that check your visibility state before loading resources like many music webpages. By installing this extension even if the page is opened in the background page, the player wil...
This extension prevents web pages from opening pop-up windows of any kind. When the extension is enabled, all newly opened windows will get directed to the active window (in the currently active window before this window gets opened). You can toggle the extension on and off from the ...
選取包含擴充功能來源檔案的目錄,例如 manifest.json。 範例路徑: C:\Users\localAccount\GitHub\MicrosoftEdge-Extensions\Extension-samples\picture-inserter-content-script 按兩下 [ 選取資料夾] 按鈕。 [ 選取延伸模組目錄] 對話框隨即關閉。 擴充功能會安裝在瀏覽器中,類似於從存放區安裝的延伸模組:執行...
InternetExplorerSetForegroundWhenActive 在前景一律使用 Internet Explorer 模式索引標籤來保留使用中Microsoft Edge 視窗。 InternetExplorerZoomDisplay 在IE 模式索引標籤中顯示縮放比例時將 DPI 縮放納入考量,就像在 Internet Explorer 裡一樣 IntranetRedirectBehavior 內部網路重新導向行為 IsolateOrigins 為特定來源啟用網站...
如果企業擔心特定密碼遭竊或網站因為密碼遭竊而遭入侵,則應採取其他預防措施。 一些有助於減輕此類事件的有效解決方案是透過 Active Directory、Microsoft Entra ID 或第三方 (SSO) 單一登錄。 其他解決方案包括 2FA (,例如MS Authenticator) 或WebAuthN。
How can I deploy an Edge extension from local machine, please? Kelly_YHi, Now I created a file share in Azure where I uploaded an extension from Store so what is sure to be good. Then I created its registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Edge\Extensions\...
This extension management feature will be available early next year. A simplified Intune experience No matter what tool you use to manage Edge for Business, we want to make it easy for you. That’s why we’re integrating the simplicity of the Edge management service with the power of Intun...
(3) The Edge Team is pushing an Edge update to eliminate the issue, without an ETA known at this time. Unless you are willing to work through your extensions one by one attempting to find the culprit(s), I suspect your choices at this point are to (a) whitelist the extensionwebstore...
9 CVSS (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C) Published 08/15/2023 Created 08/22/2023 Added 08/22/2023 Modified 01/28/2025 Description Use after free in Extensions in Google Chrome prior to 116.0.5845.96 allowed an attacker who convinced a user to install a malicious extension to potentiall...