边缘端API的状态码如下表格所示。 HTTP状态码错误码(Code)描述 200 OK无接口调用成功。 201 Created无请求成功并且服务器创建了新的资源。 400 Bad RequestBadRequest语义有误,当前请求无法被服务器理解,除非进行修改,否则客户端不应该重复提交该请求。 详细的错误信息,请查看本文下方400 Bad Request状态码详细错误信息...
400Bad Request报该错误码可能有如下两种原因: 语义有误,当前请求无法被服务器理解,除非进行修改,否则客户端不会重复提交该请求。 请求参数有误。 401Unauthorized当前请求需要用户验证。即Cookie已过期,需要重新调用CreateAuthCookie接口更新Cookie,否则将无法继续调用其他API。
} 状态码 状态码 描述 200 OK 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 405 Method Not Allowed 409 Conflict 429 Too Many Requests 500 Internal Server Error 错误码 请参见错误码。文档反馈 功能介绍调试URI请求参数响应参数请求示例响应示例状态码错误码...
状态码 描述 200 Created 400 Bad Request 401 Unauthorized 403 Forbidden 404 Not Found 405 Method Not Allowed 409 Conflict 429 Too Many Requests 500 Internal Server Error 错误码 请参见错误码。文档反馈 功能介绍调试URI请求参数响应参数请求示例响应示例状态码错误码恭喜...
Http Status Code: 400 { "errorMessage":"graph [demo] is not found", "errorCode":"GES.8107" } Status Codes Return Value Description 400 Bad Request Request error. 401 Unauthorized Authorization failed. 403 Forbidden No operation permissions. ...
Internet-based HTTP/1.1 servers MUST respond with a 400 (Bad Request) status code to any HTTP/1.1 request message which lacks a Host header field. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 显然400 Bad Request语义就是让服务端告诉客户端:你发过来的请求不合规,我无法理解,所以我用400告诉你。
Status code: 400 Example response for a failed request Http Status Code: 400 { "errorMessage":"edge source vertex [46] does not exist", "errorCode":"GES.8221" } Status Codes Return Value Description 400 Bad Request Request error. 401 Unauthorized Authorization failed. 403 Forbidden No oper...
400 Bad RequestThe server didn't understand the request.There's no package (zip file) in the body. Or,Content-Typeheader is missing or its value is incorrect. 401 UnauthorizedThe request page needs an authorization.The auth token is missing, expired, or not valid. ...
1、检查您的URL 当您输入错误或不正确的URL时,通常会发生400 Bad Request错误,因此第一步是检查URL是否正确。 检查域名后的拼写,案例,路径,查询或片段部分,并确保它们是正确的。 还要检查不正确的特殊字符。 - 相关:FIX:HTTP错误503‘服务不可用’在Windows10上 2、清除cookies 无效或重复的本地cookie可能会导致...
HTTP400BAD REQUESTThe request couldn't be processed by the server because of invalid syntax. HTTP401DENIEDThe requested resource requires user authentication. HTTP402PAYMENT REQUIREDNot currently implemented in the HTTP protocol. HTTP403FORBIDDENThe server understood the request but is refusin...