著名专辑:Edgard Varese - The Complete Works Pierre Boulez - Edgar Varèse - Arcana, Amériques, Ionisation et al 《电子音诗》全长8分钟。在作品里,瓦雷兹摆脱了传统的和声、旋律等等束缚,运用了拼接、混响等多种电子手段将各种声音碎片组织起来。运用电子技术手段拓展表现,形成一种听似杂乱无章,实为瓦雷兹...
[曲谱同步] Edgar Varèse - Arcana 127播放 電音之父瓦雷茲爆棚樂曲《奧秘》 74播放 【瓦雷兹】奉献 Edgard Varèse: Offrandes 166播放 周文中口述历史:第八单元——周文中谈恩师瓦雷兹2 72播放 周文中口述历史:第八单元——周文中谈恩师瓦雷兹1 136播放 Edgard Varèse - Ionisation (1931) 512播放 【瓦...
The script influenced both the form and sound material of Varese's piece.;Varese's approach to sound and image in Poeme reflects his earlier approach to film and can also be traced back to his use of symbolic gestures in Arcana and Ameriques. This leads us to consider an aspect of the ...
Edgard Varèse has been credited as the "Father of Electronic Music". He is often credited as Edgar Varese. Varèse grew up in the Burgundian village of Le Villars and returned to Paris in 1890. He then moved with his family to Turin, where his early attempts at composition began. Varèse...
[曲谱同步] Edgar Varèse - Arcana 116播放 電音之父瓦雷茲爆棚樂曲《奧秘》 72播放 【瓦雷兹】奉献 Edgard Varèse: Offrandes 163播放 周文中口述历史:第八单元——周文中谈恩师瓦雷兹2 64播放 周文中口述历史:第八单元——周文中谈恩师瓦雷兹1 104播放 Edgard Varèse - Ionisation (1931) 476播放 【瓦...