Edgar Cayce gave over 14,000 "readings" during a period of 43 years (1901 to 1944). These are trance discourses which Cayce revealed while in a hypnotic or "sleeping" state. While "awake" he claimed generally not to remember what he had said while "asleep". The readings themselves explai...
multidimensional beings. Once you learn how to release the fear (seeHow To Deprogram Yourself), you will find that your dreams become more futuristic because you no longer buy into manmade laws and beliefs while you begin to connect to the Universal Mind, or as Cayce calls it, “Oneness”...
Cayce on the No Fuel Motor - Part 1b! Cayce on the No Fuel Motor ~ Part 2! Cayce on the No Fuel Motor - Part 2b! Universal Laws - Karma~Providence All Life - Energy is Vibrations PSYCHOLOGY : Mediums; Borderland; hannels Intuitions; Visions; Dreams; OBE; REM Fear and ...
Tags: Cayce, consciousness, Edgar Cayce, https://lh3.ggpht.com/-Vxn1J3gHm3g/UY59UPmBNpI/AAAAAAAALWc/UiQ9bkpnJhw/s1600/meditation-quotes-ecayce-11.png Subscribe If you enjoyed this article, subscribe now to receive more just like it. Privacy guaranteed. We never share your info. RSS Feed...
People are searching for answers in the aftermath of the 2011 Sendai Earthquake and Tsunami, the predictions of Edgar Cayce one avenue to explore. Edgar Cayce coined the term Earth Changes, a reference to a series of cataclysm events which he prophesied would take place - including the Earth...