克莱姆死于肺结核,享年24岁,她的去世似乎对她的丈夫产生了重大影响;垂死的女性出现在爱伦·坡随后的许多作品中。 【参考资料】Edgar Allan Poe(埃德加·爱伦·坡)《Annabel Lee》《安娜贝尔·李》电子书和网路公开资料。 ———- End ———
Edgar AllanPoe Born19 Jan 1809inBoston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States Ancestors SonofDavid Poe Jr.andElizabeth (Arnold) Poe Brother ofWilliam Henry Leonard PoeandRosalie (Poe) Mackenzie Poe Husband ofVirginia Eliza (Clemm) Poe— married 16 May 1836 in Richmond, Henrico, Virginia, United...
"But as in ethics, evil is a consequence of good, so in fact, out of joy is sorrow born. Either the memory of past bliss is the anguish of today, or the agonies whicharehave their origin in the ecstasies whichmight have been." - from"Berenice" "It was night, and the rain fell;...
E.A.Poe(1809—1849)EdgarAllanPoe 坡 (1809—1849)埃德加.爱伦.ThisdaguerreotypeofPoewastakenin1848whenhewas39,ayearbeforehisdeath AmericanRomanticism 1.AmericanromanticismisoneofthemostimportantperiodinthehistoryofAmericanliterature.2.Stretchesfromtheendof18thcenturytotheoutbreakofthecivilwar.3.Itstartedwith...
1. “If you wish to forget anything on the spot, make a note that this thing is to be remembered.”– Edgar Allan Poe You will also enjoy our article onshort inspirational poems. 2. “Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.”– Edgar Allan Poe ...
Define Edgar Alan Poe. Edgar Alan Poe synonyms, Edgar Alan Poe pronunciation, Edgar Alan Poe translation, English dictionary definition of Edgar Alan Poe. Noun 1. Edgar Allan Poe - United States writer and poet Poe Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart co
Poe wrote many stories on many different topics. If you don't know where to start, you can browse shortsummaries of Edgar Allan Poe stories, so you can find something that interests you. Don't worry, I don't give away the endings!!
andcherishedstronginterestinthepast,thewild,theremote,themysteriousandthestrange.LifeExperience Amiserablechildhood:borninBoston,bothparentsdiedwithintwoyearsafterhisbirth,takenintothehomeofJohnAllaninVirginia,hadanunhappyrelationshipwithhisfosterfatherLifeExperience Anunhappyyouth:at17wenttotheUniversityofVirginiabut...
He never made it past Baltimore. He arrived there drunk and disappeared for a mysterious five days. He was eventually found in a delirium and taken to the hospital where he clung to life for a few more days. Edgar Allan Poe died on Sunday October 7, 1849. His last words were: "Lord...
Murdering the past: Influence and immortality in the writings of Edgar Allan PoeRyan S