Frankfurt-Hahn Airport(法兰克福-哈恩机场)位于欧洲德国法兰克福,经度:49.9463659595202,纬度:7.270367169415171,IATA Code(三字码)是HHN, ICAO Code(四字码)是EDFH。法兰克福-哈恩机场 Hahn Airport ...。
ICAO: EDFHLatitude/Longitude: 49.9438888889, 7.2675City: KirchbergCountry: GermanyTime zone: Europe/BerlinCurrent time zone offset: UTC/GMT +1 hoursThe current time and date at Frankfurt-Hahn Airport is 5:37 AM on Monday, February 17, 2025.Website: Frankfurt-Hahn Airport...
立即评价 Frankfurt–Hahn Airport(German: Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn, IATA: HHN, ICAO: EDFH) is an international airport in the municipality of Hahn, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.The nearest major city is Koblenz (70 km). Frankfurt and Luxembourg are approximately 120 km away. ...
EDFHDetails ICAO EDFH (HHN) Name Frankfurt Hahn Region Germany - Civil Timezone Europe/Berlin (UTC+1.0) Stats Elevation 1,647 ft / 502 m (AMSL) Location 49.945800° 7.261080° Runways 1 Magnetic Variation 2.929° EMETAREDFH 120350Z 02007KT 9000 BKN007 02/01 Q0999 Decode ...
Frankfurt–Hahn Airport(German: Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn, IATA: HHN, ICAO: EDFH) is an international airport in the municipality of Hahn, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany.The nearest major city is Koblenz (70 km). Frankfurt and Luxembourg are approximately 120 km away. ...
DetailsICAOLSZB (BRN) NameBern-Belp RegionSwitzerland TimezoneEurope/Zurich (UTC+1.0) StatsElevation1,670 ft / 509 m (AMSL) Location46.912700° 7.497630° Runways2 Magnetic Variation2.959° E METAR LSZB 140620Z 06003KT 010V100 9999 SCT020 BKN075 03/00 Q1001 ...
0 reviews Flughafen+496543509200 Setup FBO Location 0 reviews Pleaselog inorregisterto add new Fuel Prices (Jet A, 100LL) Airport FBOs. Nearby FBOs at other airports with lower Jet A/100LL fuel prices NameAirportReady to Taxi™100LL100LL SSJet AJet A+PristFeeWiFiCrew CarRental CarRatings...
机场互动地图。 可查询的机场以黄色和红色小点在地图上表示。 将鼠标移到上方,可查看机场名称。 然后点击查看图像。 如需切换地图:点击带黑十字的绿色按钮放大地图;点击带横线的绿色按钮缩小地图;或者点击绿色箭头查看邻近地区的地图。 机场: 欧洲 非洲 北美洲 ...
DetailsICAOEDFH (HHN) NameFrankfurt Hahn RegionGermany - Civil TimezoneEurope/Berlin (UTC+1.0) StatsElevation1,647 ft / 502 m (AMSL) Location49.945800° 7.261080° Runways1 Magnetic Variation2.930° E METAR TAF TAF EDFH 142300Z 1500/1524 03008KT CAVOK BECMG 1507/1509 04013KT TEMPO 1511/...