C Electronegativity decreases going down a group in the Periodic Table. D The bonds between atoms with equal electronegativity are always weak. (Total for Question 3 = 1 mark) 2 !# !#$%()*+,-(./$#/0#-( 1(!#$%()*2,#/0(3040/*(5678( 9#4:-(;%%%%4/(#/$0#-%( ;*=#,...
Metallic crystals CHEMISTRY OF THE ELEMENTS The Periodic table; The Group 1 elements -- lithium, sodium and potassium; The Group 2 elements -- magnesium and calcium; The Group 7 elements -- chlorine, bromine and iodine; Oxygen and oxides; Sulphur and nitrogen; Hydrogen; The transition metals ...
这本是英澳大学本科直申 教材,貌似相关考试的名字叫培生爱德思考试,具体的号主也不是很了解 ALevel的化学书有很多,号主这里 就搜罗了3、40本的样子,,基本都翻过了,基本都是看看图片,谋划哪些在教学中可以用得上,学生们看到国外...
+ H2O ĺ H3O+ + HSO3– B H2SO3 ĺ SO2 + H2O C H2SO3 + 2FeCl3 + H2O ĺ 2FeCl2 + H2SO4 + 2HCl D H2SO3 + 2H2S ĺ 3H2O + 3S (Total for Question 7 = 1 mark) 4 *P44881A0424* 8 Which of the following properties decreases on descending Group 2 of the Periodic Table?
be able to classify an element as s, p or d block according to its position in the Periodic Table ? be able to describe the trends in atomic radius, first ionisation energy, melting and boiling points of the elements Na – Ar ? understand the reasons for the trends in these properties ...
九天国际教育GCSE真题June 2014 QP - Unit C2 (H) Edexcel Chemistry GCSE Turn over P43430RA ©2014 Pearson Education Ltd.1/1/1/1/1/ *P43430RA0120* Instructions t Use black ink or ball-point pen.t Fill in the boxes at the top of this page with your name,centre number and candidate ...
Readeachquestioncarefullybeforeyoustarttoanswerit. Keepaneyeonthetime. WriteyouranswersneatlyandingoodEnglish. Trytoanswereveryquestion. Checkyouranswersifyouhavetimeattheend. Edexcel InternationalGCSE 2 *P43318A0216* 3 *P43318A0316*Turnover AnswerALLquestions. 1UsethePeriodicTableonpage2tohelpyouanswer...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (5) atomic number of the atom number of shells shown mass number of the atom number of protons in an isotope of this element group where the element is found in the Periodic Table (Total for Question 1 = 5 marks) DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA *P48084RA0336* 3 ...
showninbrackets –usethisasaguideastohowmuchtimetospendoneachquestion. Questionslabelledwithanasterisk(*)areoneswherethequalityofyour writtencommunicationwillbeassessed –youshouldtakeparticularcarewithyourspelling,punctuationandgrammar,as wellastheclarityofexpression,onthesequestions. APeriodicTableisprintedonthe...
1 An outline of part of the Periodic Table is shown. The letters are not the usual symbols of the elements. R U X Z S V (a) Which elements are in the s-block of the Periodic Table? A R and U B T and Y C V and W D...