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This brilliant CGP Complete Revision & Practice guide has AS-Level (and Year 1 of A-Level) Edexcel Maths covered. It contains essential revision notes and worked examples for every topic, plus plenty of questions to test students on what they’ve learned (including answers). What’s more, ...
Revision for Edexcel Chemistry (A) AS and A Level Papers, including summary notes, worksheets and past exam questions for each topic.
Physics and Maths Tutor 除了官方网站,还有一个网站值得推荐,那就是Physics and Maths Tutor。 这个网站虽然以物理数学命名,但是里面可不止包含了这两个科目的pastpaper,还有生物,化学,经济,地理,心理,英语,电脑科学等等科目。 而且除了pastpaper还有各种各样的notes,以及每个topic 的大量exercise。 科目覆盖率很广:...
AsaPreferredPartnerofEdexcel,wewillbepublishingdedicatedresourcesfortheEdexcelGCSEMathsspecification.Withourbrandnewresources,makingtheswitchtoatwotierGCSEwillbestraightforwardforbothyouandyourschool.Whynewresources?•ThechangestothespecificationarenotsimplyacaseofmergingIntermediatecontentintoFoundationandHighercontent •...
https://revisionmaths.com/ 可以获得大量的A-Level数学复习资源、考试技巧、复习视频,涵盖纯数学主题,...
Notes: Combined Notes - Unit 2 Edexcel Physics A-level Definitions Detailed Notes 2.3. Waves and Particle Nature of Life 2.4. Electric Circuits Flashcards: 2.1. Waves and Particle Nature of Light 2.2. Electric Circuits Questions by Topic: ...
Edexcel GCSE Maths Foundation Student Book (whole course) Aim for your best grade with this revision guide written specifically for the 2012 linear GCSE Geography for Edexcel B Specification. This guide will help you revise effectively in the way you want to, allowing you to plan and pace your...
This student-friendly textbook for the Core 3 Module of A-Level Maths comprehensively covers the Edexcel exam specification. It contains straightforward, accessible notes explaining all the theory, backed up with useful step-by-step exam...