The Edexcel IGCSE in English Literature is designed as a two-year course. A selection of prose, drama and poetry from around the world allows teachers a wide choice of set texts. It provides two routes of assessment -- either a 100 per cent examination option or an examination andco...
Edexcel Certificate in English Literature a brief outline of the course what students will be doing between now and the exam how we can all support them. English Language IGCSE Timeline and key dates September 2015 to May 2016 IGCSE coursework: deadline for 11.3; 11.6 and nd October 2015 The...
Why choose English Literature? Other Good Reasons… English Literature A Level can lead to diverse university courses and careers. Skills needed for English Literature are very transferable. To do well, you will need to: –Read widely and analyse / evaluate what you have read; –Write well abo...
These are: Accounting, Arabic 1st Language, Art and Design, Bangladesh Studies, Bengali, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Chinese, English Language A, English 2nd Language, English Literature, French, German, ICT, Maths A, Maths B, Further Pure Maths, Pakistan Studies, Spanish, Science (Double ...