• http://jwpblog.wordpress/2012/12/29/edexcel- revision-material-igcsecertificate-anthology-a/ • http://.edexcel/migrationdocuments/Ede xcel%20Certificate/English%20Language%20KEA0%2 0and%204EA0%20paper%201%20exp%20and%20co m%20set%201.pdf Jonathan Peel SGS 2013...
The qualification offers an enjoyable and stimulating introduction to the study of English Literature. The Edexcel Anthology for IGCSE English Language(Specification A) and IGCSE English Literature is provided for use throughout the course andexamination.First examination...
The reading requirements of the course are covered in the EdexcelAnthology for IGCSE and Certificate qualifications in English Language and English Literature, for use throughout the course and in the examination.First examination June