A-Level课程即英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level,简称GCE A-Level),是英国本土的全民高中课程体系,也被人称作“英国的高考”。 英国高考Alevel试卷试题参考: 英国高考Alevel-Edexcel艺术设计(Art and Design)试题资料 英国高考Alevel-CIE生物学(Biology)试题资料 英国高考Alevel-Edexcel商业研究...
英国本土85%以上的A-Level学生参加的考试是由EDEXCEL制定并颁发证书。 目前International A-Levels (IAL)开放了会计、生物、商务、化学、经济、英语语言、英语文学、历史、法律、数学、心理学、物理等12个学科,并在未来会逐步拓展。GCE A-Levels课程涵盖数学、物理、化学、生物、计算机学、会计学、商业学、经济学、戏...
EdexcelOnline QMA账户登录指南及examWizard使用说明说明书 How to login?Initially you will be presented with the Step 1 - From the homepage, select either a GQ or BTEC subject or sector Step 2 - Select your subject from the drop-down menu on the Home page click Login.Step 3 - Login ...
Pearson Edexcel International A level (IAL) and GCE A level Guidance for universities Welcome Pearson Edexcel International A levels (IAL), GCE A levels, International GCSE and GCSE qualifications are part of our iProgress offer, a consistent learning journey f...
Edexcel Poetry Anthology For Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced GCE English Literature and English Language and LiteratureSECTION TWO: PRE-1770 Ballads Tudor and Elizabethan Verse Mostly Metaphysical Verse 17th Century 18th CenturyJune
The IAL and GCE A Levels both adopt the same assessment objectives in English Literature and Psychology with similar weightings. In Chemistry, Economics and Mathematics, IAL and GCE assessment objectives place emphasis on evaluating a comparable range of su...
作者: A Fullick 摘要: Exam Board: Edexcel Level: A level Subject: Science / Biology First teaching: September 2015 First exams: June 2017 An ActiveBook is included with every Student Book, giving your students easy online access to the content in the Student Book. They can make it their ...
Edexcel A2 English Language and Literature Student Book These Edexcel GCE English Language and Literature resources support the new specification and are written by an expert team including senior examiners. * Develops analysis and writing skills with engaging source material and stimulating ... M Jay...
Find recent GCE A Level past papers from Edexcel. You can download each of the Edexcel A Level past papers and Mark Schemes and Specifications.
GCEExaminations 1.Thenormalstartingtime ormorningsessionsis9.00a.m.and ora ternoonsessions1.30p.m. 2.RestrictedReleaseo resultstocentres–Wednesday6March2013 3.Releaseo resultstocandidates–Thursday7March2013 Week1 DateGCEMorningLengthGCEAternoonLength ...