对于即将参加2025年1月考的同学们来说,这一套真题还是很有用的,毕竟谁也不知道接下来的考试会不会出一模一样的题……如果你正好还没有刷到这套题的话,一定要在考前抽出时间练习!!! 资源君经过5G冲浪,已经帮大家把爱德思Edexcel考试局2024年秋季真题都整理好了,涵盖以下科目: 数学 【历年真题】爱德思数学...
IGCSE英语EFL即English as a First Language,为母语为英语的学生设计的英文课程。IG英语EFL主要考察学生的阅读和写作能力,一共分为2Paper,其中阅读和写作部分各占50%,考试中涉及多篇Essay,字数为300-750字不等。 (CIE考试局IG英语EFL提供...
of changes made between previous issue and this current issue The language of questions and answers in Paper 2 has been updated from "All questions will be set in Chinese and must be answered in Chinese." to "Questions in Section A will be set in En...
https://www.eduqas.co.uk/home/past-papers/ OCR:https://www.ocr.org.uk/qualifications/past-pa...
To be awarded an A* students will need to achieve an A for the full International Advanced Level qualification and an A* aggregate of the IA2 units. Language of assessment Assessment of this specification will be available in English only. Assessment materials will be published in English only...