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Edexcel A Level Science: AS Chemistry Implementation and Assessment Guide for Teachers and Technicians:EDAS: AS Chem TT Res P The flexible support provided by this Teacher's and Technician's Support Pack will ensure that your department has the materials to help deliver the qualification. The Teac... 是一位分享A-level生物视频的Youtuber,讲解清晰而且...
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Edexcel A Level Science: AS Chemistry ActiveTeach CDROM:EDAS: AS Chem ActiveTeach I didn't know how to use punctuation. When I was at school, it didn't matter. What was far more important was writing an exciting story or emotive description, but the mechanics of writing didn't really ...
Edexcel A Level Science: AS Chemistry ActiveTeach CDROM:EDAS: AS Chem ActiveTeach Revised and updated to meet the needs of AS students following the Edexcel specification, this textbook is divided into three units. The first seven chapters describe and explain the material of Unit 1: The core...