Explain 需要你在给出知识点的基础上,解释这个知识点跟题干的关系。draw 画图题,在 mark scheme 里面都有对于画图的标准要求,大家可以找糯米小助手领取,参考一下。 分析题 analyse 是你需要用数据或者是图去解释某个知识点。最后一个 discuss 讨论题是最复杂的一种题型,我们不仅需要定义、还要讨论优缺点,给一个...
mark schemes and examiner’s reports.My Papers View and edit tests that you have preciously created, and view past papers that you saved. Build A Paper Search for questions, then build your own homework activity, test or mock exam. FAQ Check out our most frequently asked questions.
This free service allows centres to view candidates’ scripts (unannotated but numerically marked) in order to determine whether or not they believe there has been any inaccuracies in the application of the mark scheme or indeed errors relating to general procedures involved in the marking process. ...
Edexcel gcse business studies * Unpicks the mark scheme and provides practice and guidance at every stage so students can complete each part of the controlled assessment with confidence. * A write-in format and storage pocket enables students' materials to be collect... Alpin,S Petrucke,F Coo...
Section A – Question 1 (translation) into Chinese This task is marked using a points-based mark scheme in which 1 mark is given for each correct individual section of language. Please see the Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Chinese (spoken Manda...
RevisionGuideMark edexcelmodularmathsb-schoolsuccess-CambridgeInternationalGCSEMathematics;EdexcelMaths GCSE;Sampleexamquestionsandmarkingschemes.(notrevisionguide). edexcelgcsebiologyschemeofworkpdf-books-EdexcelGcseBiologySchemeOfWorkTomorrow's GeographyforEdexcelGCSESpecificationARevisionGuide:pastpapermarkschemewjec.Cc...