博主Kevin在牛津大学学习数学,后来在伦敦两所顶级私立学校教数学时创建了这个频道,不仅涵盖了GCSE阶段的数学内容,还扩展到了各类数学竞赛及A-Level课程。 IGCSE科学 01 Cognito 针对GCSE 科学和数学,主要是专门为 9-1 GCSE 课程设计,更接近 AQA 规范,不完全与CIE吻合,按syllabus主题精心分类,覆盖考试全内容,适合拿来...
Ap physics As a grad student at the University of Florida, I worked for more than 4 years as teaching assistant phy 2048, phy 2049, phy 2053 and phy 2054. These courses have the same syllabus as the various Advanced Placement physics courses. The University grants credit to the students wh...
Ap physics As a grad student at the University of Florida, I worked for more than 4 years as teaching assistant phy 2048, phy 2049, phy 2053 and phy 2054. These courses have the same syllabus as the various Advanced Placement physics courses. The University grants credit to the students wh...
Ap physics As a grad student at the University of Florida, I worked for more than 4 years as teaching assistant phy 2048, phy 2049, phy 2053 and phy 2054. These courses have the same syllabus as the various Advanced Placement physics courses. The University grants credit to the students wh...