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Find recent A Level past papers from Edexcel. You can download each of the Edexcel GCE A Level past papers and marking schemes by clicking the links below: Science Courses Biology Chemistry Physics Engineering Mathematics Mathematics
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Edexcel Politics A Level Voting Behaviour and the Media 31 terms Presentation 5 terms M. iGCSE History Edexcel - Russia 1917 Prov Govt + October Revolution 30 terms Edexcel GCSE: China 1900-1989 28 terms Tech class set 4 Teacher10 terms ...
不管是CIE,AQA,OCR,还是Alevel,IGCSE,甚至Olevel的past papers通通都有。网站上的资源相对比较齐全,...
past paper首先要参考的就是官方网站:IGCSE 和 A level Edexcelpast paper, 都可以在这里找到https://...
https://papers.gceguide.com/IGCSE/ 这个网站很多人用,但是容易崩 https://cie.fraft.org 还有一个...
2、Physics & Math Tutor 此网站主要针对数学和物理学科(IGCSE到Alevel阶段),但目前也涉及到了其他...
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