AS/A-Level成绩放榜:北京时间2023年8月10日,下午13:00 IGCSE +O Level成绩放榜:北京时间2023年8月...
01 A-Level考试局官方资源 1.CIE剑桥(英国本土没有CIE考试) 2.Edexcel...
Pearson is proud to be leading the way in onscreen assessment as the first awarding body to offer onscreen International GCSE and International A Level exams alongside traditional paper-based exams. Students sat their Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Language exams onscreen for the first ti...
This particular Edexcel Geography A Gcse 2013 Paper PDF start with Introduction, Brief Session till the Index/Glossary page, look at the table of content for additional information, when presented. It's going to focus on mostly about the above subject together with additional information associated...
GGeographyGermanGreek HHistory IInformation Technology LLaw MMathematics PPhysicsPsychology SSpanish 而CAIE开设的IAL科目则非常丰富了。 AAccounting - 9706Afrikaans - 9679Afrikaans - Language (AS Level only) - 8679Arabic - 9680Arabic - Language (AS Level only) - 8680Art Design - 9479 NewArt Desig...
当然有,具体细节建议参考:A-level3大考试局,你想知道的都在这里!2 赞同 · 0 评论文章 ...
各个学科的知识点汇总都有,真题网站找 frank 的 cie 工坊,各个学科真题答案很新很全,祝你被 A星...