Edexcel GCSE Computer Science June 2015 Unit 1: ICPO/01 Principles of Computer Science -Download Past Paper-Download Mark Scheme Edexcel GCSE ICT June 2014 Unit 1: 5IT01/01 Living in a Digital World -Download Past Paper-Download Mark Scheme Unit 3: 51T03/01 Exploring Digital Design -Download...
Geography B (1GB0): June 2018 Edexcel GCSE Past Exam Papers (9-1) Paper 1: Global Geographical Issues (1GB0/01)–Download Paper–Download Mark Scheme Paper 2: UK Geographical Issues (1GB0/02)–Download Paper–Download Mark Scheme Paper 3: People and Environment Issues - Making Geographical ...
GCSE(英国本土GCSE) AS and A Level(英国本土AS和A Level) International GCSE(国际版GCSE) International A Level(国际版A Level) 等等 在预先信息中明确说明了某个paper要考察对应大纲中的哪些考点,并且清晰指出哪些考点不涉及。 我们拿iGCSE物理举例说明。 International GCSE(iGCSE) 试卷编码:4PH1 考试科目:Physi...
A-Level Paper 1: Pure Mathematics 1 (9MA0/01) Download Paper–Download Mark Scheme A-Level Paper 2: Pure Mathematics 2 (9MA0/02) Download Paper–Download Mark Scheme A-Level Paper 3: Statistics and Mechanics (9MA0/3) Download Paper–Download Mark Scheme June 2018 Edexcel A-Level Maths...
而Edexcel A-Level经济的考察形式则不一样,知识点分卷考察。其AS阶段同样是2张paper,其在unit2学习了...
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2022年5/6月IGCSE考试时间表 2022年5/6月考试时间:5月16日-6月23日 特别说明:爱德思考试局规定如果IGCSE科目有option code R,特定国家(例如中国)必须要选带R的科目代码进行报名,同时考试时间表也要以IG(R Paper)为准。 IG(R...
* accreditation and success in literacy for all students * alternative qualification to GCSE, with points contribution * highly motivating * easy to implement * empowers students to track their own progress * opportunity for on-screen testing instead of written paper...
October 2018 (IAL) QP - Paper 2 Edexcel Chemistry A-Level Specimen (IAL) MS - Unit 2 Edexcel Chemistry A-level Specimen (IAL) QP - Unit 2 Edexcel Chemistry A-level Connect with PMT Education! Read MoreGCSE exam dates 2025: Everything youneed to know | PMT EducationGCSE exam dates 2025...