下载地址:https://www.vipsoft.com.cn/eDEX-UI.exe GitHub下载地址:https://github.com/GitSquared/edex-ui/releases/download/v2.2.8/eDEX-UI-Windows-x64.exe 效果 更换皮肤 在eDEX-UI主页“左下角”点击“settings.json” 在“theme”一行自选 点击下“Save to Disk”和“Reload UI”, 应用成功 matrix ...
Click on the little badges under the eDEX logo at the top of this page, or go to the Releases tab, or download it through one of the available repositories (Homebrew, AUR...). Public release binaries are unsigned (why). On Linux, you will need to chmod +x the AppImage file in orde...
Click on the little badges under the eDEX logo at the top of this page, or go to theReleasestab, or download it throughone of the available repositories(Homebrew, AUR...). Public release binaries are unsigned (why). On Linux, you will need tochmod +xthe AppImage file in order to run...
根据自己的系统平台下载相应的链接软件,这里我以Chrome插件为例~Chrome是支持VNC的哦! 下载地址:https://www.realvnc.com/en/connect/download/viewer/ 10.使用VNC链接到Linux桌面并开启eDEX-UI 打开Chrome应用VNC viewer for Google Chrome,输入你外网服务器的IP:端口号。例如123.12.34.56:1 链接上之后第一次进入会...
If you're interested in running the latest in-development version but don't want to compile source code yourself, you can can get pre-built nightly binaries on GitHub Actions: click the latest commits, and download the artifacts bundle for your OS. Credits eDEX-UI's source code was primaril...
If you're interested in running the latest in-development version but don't want to compile source code yourself, you can can get pre-built nightly binaries on GitHub Actions: click the latest commits, and download the artifacts bundle for your OS....
Where can I find download links? Click on the little badges under the eDEX logo at the top of this page, or go to the Releases tab. I have a problem! Search through the Issues to see if yours has already been reported. If you're confident it hasn't been reported yet, feel free ...
Downloads:15837 times TIP:Click Here to Repair or Restore Missing Windows Files Download (EXE) Download (Linux) Download (Mac) Download@MajorGeeks Download@MajorGeeks Rate This Software: 5 (16 votes)1 .Booo2 .Not Geeky3 .Average4 .Good5 .Geek-o-licious ...
eDEX-UI is a fullscreen desktop application resembling a sci-fi computer interface. It's not a shell enhancement or replacement. 2.2.8 is the final release. Your download will automatically start in 5 seconds. Please wait while we transfer you to the requested download or... TIP:...
In English Version2.2.8 Download(94.9 MB) 5.0 Based on1userrate Read reviews & comments Follow this appDeveloper website eDEX-UIoverview eDEX-UIis a fullscreen, cross-platform terminal emulator and system monitor that looks and feels like a sci-fi computer interface ...