Eden Prairie boosts bill on building; The city will pay more than expected for a major addition to its community center.(WEST)Steverman, Ben
In the Sioux language, it took the formminne, meaning “water”. In the Assiniboine language,minnetobameant “water prairie”. However, this word may also have been derived from the Cree and Ojibiva-Saulteaux languages, which meant “the place of the Great Spirit”. Manitou (“the Great ...
A former high-level employee at Microsoft Corporation, Melinda French Gates founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with her then-husband Bill Gates in 2000. In 2021, Melinda French Gates became a billionaire in her own right after Bill Gates transferred $2.4 billion worth of stock to her...
Eden Prairie weighs smoking ban; Debate touches on health issues, community questions.(NEWS)Marcotty, JosephineMcAuliffe, Bill
Draper, Norman
Think back and smell the coffee: a piece of history in Eden Prairie.(NEWS)(Metscape)McAuliffe, Bill
Cities look to fix streets and bypass the big bill; Eden Prairie officials hope that legislators will endorse the use of regular utility fees rather than large special assessments.(NEWS)Blake, Laurie