摘要 复发性流产(recurrent spontaneous abortion, RSA)是生殖医学领域研究的热点和难点问题。患者再次妊娠的结局受多种因素影响,识别流产的危险因素、筛查高危人群、评估再次妊娠后的妊娠结局是RSA患者妊娠咨询和管理的核心内容。然而,目前再次妊娠结局风险预测模型...
摘要 目的总结体外受精-胚胎移植(in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer,IVF-ET)术后发生的小网膜囊腹腔妊娠的临床诊治经验。 方法报道1例IVF-ET术后发生的小网膜囊腹腔妊娠病例,并分析其临床特点。 结果患者移植2枚囊胚后23 d突发左上...
But, alas, their method was using a re-ranking approach which wasn't disclosed. Moreover, they evaled on outputs before detokenization and not the real output, which apparently scores better. Bottom line - we weren't scoring in the same way (*). footnote: the paper A Call for...