"Eddyfi has further done away with the dependence on operators by packing Lyft with its SmartPULSE technology, wherein the system automatically iterates to find the best parameters for the inspection configuration.” “Using an autoset feature, the probe can find the optimal configuration for measur...
The Eddyfi Lyft® instrument and Pulsed Eddy Current Array (PECA) high resolution probe offer the most reliable option for the inspection of scab corrosion, enabling integrity engineers to collect all the information required for strong risk management. Ship deck inspection, also referred to as ...
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(ECT) Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS) Long Range UT (LRUT) / Guided Wave Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) Tank Inspection Near-Field Array (NFA) Near-Field Testing (NFT) Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) Pulsed Eddy Current (PEC) Remote Visual Inspection...
Assessing the integrity of annular rings can be performed from the exterior of the tank, so the tank does not need to be taken out of service. TheEddyfi Lyft®PEC solution offers an excellent way to inspect for wall loss in atmospheric storage tank annular rings without taking them offline...
Exclusive Lyft 1.2: Reinventing Pulsed Eddy Currents. Again. Exclusive Reddy: The First Portable System for Tubing Inspection Exclusive Modernizing Subsea ACFM Inspection with U41 Exclusive Amigo2: Evolving ACFM WebinarYouTube Live (Coffee Breaks) Exclusive Coffee Break | How Modular Robotics ...