I wrote a bad review for MSFS2020 (see below). Now I tried it on MSFS2024 and it works fine, very detailed - a bit strong on the FPS though. Loui 2024-08-24 |I bought the add-on yesterday. I tried to run it and the frame rates were so bad, it was unplayable. Today I dec...
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EGWO Eddsfield Airfield: A Haven for Pilots and Country Charm Nestled amidst the serene countryside of East Yorkshire lies Eddsfield Airfield, a cherished retreat for private pilots seeking the beauty of simpler times. Here, the hum of engines blends with the gentle rustle of wind through the...
ToLEBB-Bilbao Flight Number- Tagsgenerated Createda year ago Modified- StatsDistance621 nm / 1,150 km Max Altitude35,000 ft / 10,668 m Waypoints17 SocialDownloads5 Likes0 Share Download X-Plane 11X-Plane 8, 9 & 10FSX/MSFS2020FS2004/FS9Infinite FlightFlightGearPMDGAirbus XX-FMCSquawkboxQual...
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ToLIPX-Verona-Villafranca "Valerio Catullo" Flight Number- Tagsgenerated Createda year ago Modified- StatsDistance210 nm / 389 km Max Altitude23,000 ft / 7,010 m Waypoints3 SocialDownloads1 Likes0 Share Download X-Plane 11X-Plane 8, 9 & 10FSX/MSFS2020FS2004/FS9Infinite FlightFlightGearPMD...