Edd Applegate, Print and Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Examination. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 1996. 224 pp. Cloth, $55Margot Hardenbergh
For more information visit www.intechopen.com ProvisionCahlacphtaeprt1e4r TTaacckklliinngg tthhee PPrroobblleemmss AAssssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthhAAnnttiimmaallaarriiaall MMeeddiicciinneess ooff PPoooorr QQuuaalliittyy Kamal Hamed and Kirstin Stricker Kamal Hamed and Kirstin Stricker Additional ...
Edd Applegate, Print and Broadcast Journalism: A Critical Examination. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 1996. 224 pp. Cloth, $55doi:10.1080/08821127.1997.10731909MargotMaristHardenberghMaristAmerican Journalism
Article IAInrntifcflreraarreedd SSppeeccttrroossccooppyy ffoorr tthhee QQuuaalliittyy CCoonnttrrooll ooff aa GGrraannuullaarr TTeebbuutthhiiuurroonn FFoorrmmuullaattiioonn JJooeellBB..JJoohhnnssoonn11,*,*, H,uHghugFharFqaurhqaurh2a, rM2,aMnsaenl sIeslmIasym3a,†ya3n,†daMn...
When you create a model documentation section view, it uses the settings of the current section view style. You can apply a different section view style to it after the section view is created. Note: Model documentation is available only on 64-bit systems. In the drawing area, select ...
We propose, how to combine these technologies to create distributed data storage using the web en- vironment. We have implemented a prototype framework as a proof of concept and explored the most problematic issues which require to be researched further. Systems that would use this storage may ...
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