You’ve said that you hated “store-bought, off-the-rack” guitars, because they would not do what you wanted them to do. What did you want from your guitar? I wanted the electronics (humbucking pickups) of one manufacturers guitar, while I preferred the body, neck and tailpiece of anot...
The segment also allowed the guitarist to show off the finer points of his sound, the textures and tones he famously spent a lifetime tinkering with his guitars, pickups, and amplifiers to attain. Did you know that Eddie Van Halen held multiple U.S. patents for guitar modifications he inven...
They are not signature pickups per se but the ‘78 Model, Green Magic and High Voltage have three iconic electric guitar tones in mind
Fender Strat Tele Guitar Bodies(37) Strat and Tele Guitar Pickups(77) Guitar Pots(41) FENDER 3 WAY SWITCH STRAT TELE(18) Pickguards and Plastic(113) Stratocaster Guitar Hardware(68) Fender Neck Plates(75) Fender Bridges(58) Fender Tuners(44) ...
Buried in Alex Van Halen’s new book Brothers (he spends a lot more time psychoanalyzing David Lee Roth) is a passage that at least in part explains how the late Eddie Van Halen became a guitar virtuoso. As Alex writes: For Ed and me, as foreigners working wit...
Features:DiMarzio Pickups; Tight-Tune Bridge and Tailpiece For all of those in the knowhow of Eddie Van Halen’s music and curious to explore some of the earlier, heavier sounds present, this guitar is well worth checking out. The Ibanez “Shark” Destroyer is on the cover of Women and ...
The late rock god didn't just transform the guitar forever—he even patented his game-changing innovations. Here's how he redefined music, in his own words.