About 30 organizations and 20 self-help clearinghouses administered the questionnaire. They responded to questions concerning their wishes and expectations and assessed several statements on quality criteria that had come up so far in the self-help forums. These assessments provided a first quantitative...
The company may also be required to provide the certification body with background information on the site concerned, through the completion of either a pre-audit questionnaire or pro-forma information sheet. Guidelines for the Use of the Product Group Decision Tree for the Manufacture of Consumer...
CertificationSummaryinformationabouttheCertificationneedstobefilledin:在标签为认证总结的一章,需要填写以下信息:-SupplierName供应商名称-AuditDate审查日期-Auditobjective审查目标-Questionnaireprepared/reviewedby:问卷提供:-Questionnairereviewdate:问卷审查日期:-LeadAuditor:主要审查员-Auditor(s):审查员 SupplierFeedback...