EDD mounted let them come 意思如下:艾德上马让他们来 祝你生活愉快 EDD实验驱逐舰?EDD是专属名词。EDD已经装好让他来吧。r6s:edd安装好了,让他们尽管来
03:42 EDD mounted!Let them come【白茶花音の切片小剧场】 02:16 01:23 您的包食即将结束【白茶花音の切片小剧场】 白茶花音HakuChya 1036 0 03:42 【白茶花音の切片小剧场】无奈之被机器人逼到换号重生 白茶花音HakuChya 1380 0 02:02 100%爆头率?!致敬ScreaM了【茶狐のCS】 白茶花音HakuCh...
01月07日漏签0天 广西大学吧 关注:252,446贴子:5,770,788 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 游戏 1 2 下一页 尾页 31回复贴,共2页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回广西大学吧EDD mounted,let them come 只看楼主收藏回复 痕天 天道酬勤 15 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2016-03-17 15:39回复 ...
彩虹六号GAY雷EDD的背景故事 Edd我们一般叫做诡雷或者拌雷。叫他Edd是因为每次安放技能时都要说上一些,"EDD deployed! Stand clear of window!""EDD mounted! Let them come!"(一滴滴莽疼〜来特一康!)"EDD primed! Stand clear!"中间的那句是听到最多的,也是最魔性的。在彩虹小队的昵称是Kaplan ,有人说...
这广告真的神了Kap..这广告真的神了Kapkan: EDD mounted let them comeFrost: Welcome mat deployed谁P个刘醒上去,像这样的
EDD mounted let them come 是罗宾x R6的kapkan #明日方舟# 摸了,很乐,该用阴间edd害人了(
Saouy, accompanied by twenty of his own slaves, went to the prison to fetch Noureddin, whom he mounted on a wretched horse without a saddle. Arrived at the palace, Saouy went in to the king, leaving Noureddin in the square, hemmed in not only by Saouy's slaves but by the royal...
题目Tony is Jane and Gina's brother.The boy (1) playing the violin,so he started (创办)a violin club.Tony has fun in the club (2) he makes some good friends.Then Jane and Gina get a good idea(主意) from that. "We (3) good at making food.Let's s...
我先来edd monted, let them come. 只看楼主收藏回复 隔壁村小李 特勤干员 7 我先来edd monted, let them come. 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-09-09 18:23回复 橙 血兰花 13 彩虹,六号 来自Android客户端2楼2020-09-09 19:22 回复 ...