In terms of corporate banking, it attached equal importance to micro, small, medium and large-sized customers and promoted coordinated expansion of customer accounts. In personal banking, the Bank focused on activating new customers, nurturing regular customers and retaining existing customers so as ...
AA SSTTUUDDYY OONN CCUUSSTTOOMMEERRSSLLEEVVEELL OOFF SSAATTIISSFFAACCTTIIOONN TTOOWWAARRDDSS EE BBAANNKKIINNGG SSEERRVVIICCEESS IN PALAKKAD DISTRICT, KERALA Banking has come a long way from the time of ledger cards and other manual filing systems. Most of the banks today have electronic...
贷款通则(英文版)贷款通则 People’s Bank of China, Lending General Provisions PART ONE : GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 These General Provisions are formulated in accordance with the PRC, People’s Bank of China Law and the PRC, Commercial Banking Law and other relevant laws and ...
When quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 1000 meters of individual items. Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to San Francisco. Sincerely, 7.几种报盘 (a.) Dear Mr. Jones: We thank you for your...
通名generic terms 公共服务信息 public service information 安全线Yellow Line 或Red Line 油漆未干Wet Paint 老弱病残孕专座Priority Seating 或Courtesy Seat〔其中Seat应视情况选用单数或复数形式〕 同仁医院Tongren Hospital 希尔顿酒店Hilton Hotel ...
N 162、Banks are under no obligation to accept presentation of documents outside their banking hours.Y 163 在跟单信用证业务中,有关装运期限的日期用以后来限定的,将理解为不包括所述当 日在内。Y 164 当买卖合同与信用证的内容有差别时,卖方应按合同来履行义务这样才能保证按期得 到足额贷款。N 二、...
坏帐 balance of payments 国际收支差额 balance of trade 国际贸易差额 balance sheet 资产负债表 bank credit 银行信用 bank draft 银行汇票 bank interest rate 银行利率 bank note 钞票 bank overdraft 银行透支 bank services 银行服务 Banking Ordinance 银行业条例 bankruptcy 破产 barter 以货易货;物物交换 bear...
Today I will be speaking about key developments in central banking—most notably, on the concept of central bank independence, and what central banks can do to safeguard independence and ensure policy credibility. First, it is important to...
这种模糊的“行话”其实是虚泛的空话,但却在政府、商业或技术等部门里甚为盛行,并成了时髦的词语(vogue terms)。 三、英语有丰富的词义虚化手段,这就大大方便了抽象表达法的使用。这些手段主要有: 1.用虚化词缀构词。前缀和后缀都可以使词义虚化,其中以后缀数量最多、分布最广。如: 前缀:pan-泛:panorama,inter...
N 162、Banks are under no obligation to accept presentation of documents outside their banking hours.Y 163 在跟单信用证业务中,有关装运期限的日期用以后来限定的,将理解为不包括所述当 日在内。Y 164 当买卖合同与信用证的内容有差别时,卖方应按合同来履行义务这样才能保证按期得 到足额贷款。N 二、...