Hold on a moment. I'll tell you Jack's phone number. 请稍等,我来告诉你杰克的电话号码。 ④ “ 如果你对朋友发表的言论表示不确定、不赞同,想提出异议时可以说。 Hang on a moment Hang on a second 等等 例句: Hang on a momen...
It ringed once so we tried with my phone number and same thing and literally they won’t do anything even tho they guarantee you will speak to edd. False advertising and disputing with my bank. They tried saying it’s the phones fault but I used them before and it first time never ...
“你来电话了”英文可以说“You have a phone call!”或 “Your phone is ringing“! 如果是公司前台有人打电话找某位同事还可以说”It's for you“! 接电话时不能说Who are you? 接电话时问“Who are you ?”就好像扯着嗓子...
3.“电话号码”的表达方式: telephone number phone number 4. 本单元出现的缩写有: I’m = I am what’s = what is it’s =it is 5. answer n. 回答;答案(也可做动词“回答”,如answer the questions) 句式: 1. What +be 动词+your(his/her) name What’s your name What’s his name What...
--It's red. 10.The key is yellow. Unit 1 telephone /phone number 电话号码 first name 名字 family /last name 姓 middle school 中学 1.My name's Gina. 2.I'm Cindy. 3.--- What's your name? --- Alan. 七年级英语上册重点短语及句型 七年级 starter Module 1 短语: 1.good morning ...
Every time you swipe your EDD debit card, you are giving Bank of America money. Don't allow this predatory corporate bank to capitalize on your misfortune. Here's how to stop letting them profit off of your unemployment benefits.
因此,拥有邓氏编码是您的企业符合跨国采购商要求的首要标准。 有用的网站记一下: 1、官方的注册说明 [url]http://www.apple.com.cn/developer/support/ios/enrollment.html[/url] 2、苹果开发者联盟- 全球电话支持。 [url]http://www.apple.com.cn/developer/contact/phone.html[/url]...
[ CA_default ] unique_subject = no req_extensions = v3_req subjectAltName = @alt_names [ alt_names ] DNS.1 = *.unicom.cn #5、生成证书私钥 openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out test.key #6、生成证书请求文件 openssl req -new -nodes -key test.key -out test.csr -days 3650 -subj "...
ca rd when you do? Answer: 1, to explain the relevant provisions of the registration. 2, to help guests fill in, and please their signature. 3, the guest information file, in the future to help guests fill in the re gistration form. 6、一位语无伦次、精神明显不正常的客人来总台要求...
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