EdClub app is designed for students to be able to login and access their EdClub school activities assigned to them by their teacher. An existing school account…
(learning while typing) that are both free and online. I think the website has shaved weeks off an otherwise-arduous Dvorak learning experience, and I am thankful that it made it so pleasant and fun as well. Keep up the great work, and I’m excited to see what else edclub comes up...
edclub 我们努力通过创新学习方法为学生提供优质的教育工具。我们的内容由经验丰富的教育工作者在公司内部设计,并对标美国的“Common Core Standards”。 互动体验 在轻松地游戏环境中练习打字——通过闯关练习、观看视频、玩游戏等赚取积分,从而获得相应的勋章和排名。
EdClub app is designed for students to be able to login and access their EdClub school activities assigned to them by their teacher. An existing school account…
试试edclub(typingclub)这个在线打字练习网站吧!它循序渐进的设计,友好的声音指示,让孩子们在练习和游戏中轻松掌握打字技巧。🎮📈这个网站自动生成统计数据,让你随时了解自己的进步。而且,它支持多个语言版本,包括中文哦!🌐💡更棒的是,edclub还提供了其他三款课程,包括vocabulary/spelling、Digital Citizenship和...
Our Ambition We strive to make edclub a global educational platform for all sorts of subjects and levels. To achieve this goal, we have a number of short term and long term steps, that we are methodically stepping towards. In the short term, we see ourselves as a high quality digital pu...
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《EdClub》是一个专门为学生提供学习活动的网站。它提供了一个虚拟的学习环境,可以帮助学生更好地学习。 《EdClub》拥有丰富的学习资源,可以帮助学生了解各种学习内容,比如科学、数学、英语等。它还提供了许多活动,比如讨论会、课外活动、模拟考试等,可以帮助学生更好地掌握学习内容。 此外,《EdClub》还提供了一个交...
Login for edclub School Edition
EdClub app is designed for students to be able to login and access their EdClub school activities assigned to them by their teacher. An existing school account is required.What’s New Version History Version 1.1.37 - a few updates and fixes Ratings...