The Nitecore EDC27 Flashlight is a compact powerhouse for your everyday carry (EDC) needs. With a slim design of just 0.56 inches, it delivers an impressive 3,000 lumens of brightness, a beam throw of 721 feet, and has five brightness levels plus a s
A flashlight has the same effect on me. I love the utility they bring, but I don't live in some backcountry where I need it on a regular basis. The only time I really need one is when I am looking for something that rolled under my sofa. When I travel, it is a little different...
小弹珠沿着凹陷的曲线滚动,就像行星沿着太阳周围的空间曲线运行一样。 Imagine that you shine a flashlight across the trampoline. If the light goes near the dip made by the bowling ball, it might bend a little bit as it travels. This ...
珍珠龙珠脆波波战队 《Flashlight》 乘着歌声的翅膀 跃入灯光粒粒的海洋 少年澎湃 热爱汹涌 尖叫 哨声 掌声 这是一场歌与灵魂的交换 x战队 嘉 宾 节 目 《我们的爱》 中国计量大学十佳歌手冠军 2019浙江省大艺节校园十佳歌手 最佳男歌手 吴禹泓 青春的爱 往往充满遗憾 穿透黑...
We estimate it will take about 30 minutes. In the meantime, can I offer you a flashlight? 我们估计大约需要30分钟。在此期间,我给您提供手电筒可以吗? 04 Damaged Items at the Hotel 酒店物品损坏 John Smith 客人 The lamp in...
flashlight ['flæʃlaɪt] n. 手电 flat [flæt] a. 平的 flee [fliː] v. 逃走;逃跑 flexible ['fleksəbl] a.灵活的,可变动的 flesh [fleʃ] n. 肉 flight [flaɪt] n. 航班 float [fləʊt] vi. 漂浮,浮动
"Keepblowing your whistleand use yourflashlightto avoid acollisionorcapsizing," the driver behind me told another rescuer at the front. “继续吹口哨,用手电筒避免碰撞或倾倒,”我后面的司机对前面的另一个救援人员说。 I could see the whole picture...
4.Carry a flashlight or wear reflective materials to increase your visibility. 5.Avoid using headphones or mobile phones while walking, as they can distract you from hearing traffic approaching. 面对很多国际学生对电摩、电动...
20. flashlight 手电筒 游泳池 1. Lifeguard 救生员 2. Umbrella 伞 3. lounge chair 躺椅 4. bikini 比基尼 5. diving board 跳板 6. swimming pool 泳池 7. net 网 8. lockers 储物柜 9. locker room 更衣室 10. earplugs 耳塞 11. towel 毛巾 ...
One took place late at night when Xing delivered food to a village where there were no streetlights. The couple who ordered the food used a flashlight to walk Xing out of the small village to the main road. "They were afra...