Buy tickets to the festival, get camping info, learn all about EDC Las Vegas, and explore the world of Electric Daisy Carnival—the music, the rides, and the art.
Buy tickets to the festival, get camping info, learn all about EDC Las Vegas, and explore the world of Electric Daisy Carnival—the music, the rides, and the art.
2025 EDC Las Vegas - Premier Shuttle: Rio at Las Vegas Motor Speedway Ages 18+ Only SOLD OUT From $319 May 16-18 Fri-Sun 2025 EDC Las Vegas - Premier Shuttle: World Market Center at Las Vegas Motor Speedway Ages 18+ Only Select Tickets ...
All Are Welcome Here Under the Electric Sky, we come together to celebrate life, love, art, and music. From the stages and the sound to the pyrotechnics and the performers, so many unique elements go into bringing this world to life. We invite you to wander, explore, interact, and conne...
Insomniac hosts a festive week of pool parties and dance music events on the Strip leading up to Electric Daisy Carnival.
Give us a call or send a text to get your VIP passes to the 2025 Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas for all three days. It’s never too early to book, but if you don’t act soon, it might be too late. Even when the show’s over, you get a second treat—a vacation in Veg...
🌌其中,拉斯维加斯的EDC是最精彩最值得去的一个。地点在Las Vegas Motor Speedway,场地大得让人惊叹。🌹▲ EDC舞台结构图 最能引爆现场的除了音乐,还有震撼力MAX的七大炫酷主舞台!去年有7个舞台,每个舞台一个主题,环绕整个赛车场周围。虽然场地很大,但音响设备真的超赞,无论在舞台的哪个方向都可以听得很清楚...
EDC Las Vegas 2025电音节首支预热短片释出!定档于2025年5月16日至18日在拉斯维加斯赛车场(Las Vegas Motor Speedway)举行。 2024年,EDC Las Vegas吸引了超过52万名Raver,创下了新的参与记录。2025年的EDC...
The lineup for the 2025 Electric Daisy Carnival has been revealed, with the Super Bowl of electronic dance music set for its largest incarnation yet.
经典热单包括《Love is Gone》,《Superhuman》,《The Last Goodbye》,《Gud Vibrations》等,都能引起全场大合唱的名场面。2024年他们曾在EDC Las Vegas站带来震撼人心的压轴演出,2025年开春的这份感动与热血将在苏州阳澄湖续写! SLAUGHTER HOUSE 电子音乐先锋组合“狗仔队”,凭借其疯狂的Bass音乐现场,令无数粉丝奔赴...