The database is easy to use by both clinical sites and sponsors. As an early-stage start up company we are happy to have found a high-quality compliant system we can afford.” Lisa Misell Dyve Biosciences More from our client “Intuitive platform, easy to set up” “We found ...
职位名称:Oracle Argus安全数据库管理员(ORACLE ARGUS SAFETY DATABASE MANAGER)上级主管:肿瘤临床研发部药物警戒组负责人(HEAD OF PHARMACOVIGILIANCE GROUP)所属部门:肿瘤临床研发部(DEPARTMENT OF CLINICAL RESEARCH&DEVELOPMENT-ONCOLOGY)一、 工作职责:1. 负责Argus数据库的管理和维护;2. 负责临床试验项目在Argus数据...
Enterprise Database Corporation Koko 68 Mt Kategoria 商务 Yhteensopivuus iPhone 设备需装有 iOS 15.6 或更高版本。 iPad 设备需装有 iPadOS 15.6 或更高版本。 iPod touch 设备需装有 iOS 15.6 或更高版本。 Apple Vision 设备需装有 visionOS 1.0 或更高版本。
Clinflash Safety是中国领先的药物警戒信息化解决方案,支持不良事件处理、上报、分析全流程处理。该系统同时支持临床试验阶段及上市后阶段不良事件上报,可灵活应用于化药、生物制剂、疫苗、医疗器械产品的安全管理。Clinflash Safety提供了高效的个例处理方式,支持E2B R3标准,可以通过Gateway或XML方式对接各类监管机构,进行个例...
Search Zoom Prospector, a comprehensive online database of available land, commercial and industrial properties for sale or lease in St. Lucie County. 373,586 Population in St. Lucie 208,461 Available Workforce $66,530 Median Household Income ...
Data safety The EDC system source code and the database are stored in the European datacenter or in any other country that you choose. The safety of clinical data is also guaranteed by the multilevel backup. Saving your time The Electronic Data Capture tool is fully configured by our team ...
系统管理员(EDC,Argus) - K 恒瑞医药 医疗健康 已上市 更换职位 职位关闭 DCC文控专员 - K 鲨湾科技 智能硬件 A轮 职位详情 上海 1-3年 本科 数据库 Oracle MySQL 职位名称:Oracle Argus安全数据库管理员(ORACLE ARGUS SAFETY DATABASE MANAGER) 上级主管:肿瘤临床研发部药物警戒组负责人(HEAD OF PHARMACOVIGI...
Enterprise Database Corporation Free Screenshots iPhone iPad Description EDC-MoveStar® Mobile, the companion app to EDC-MoveStar®, brings all of the functionality of EDC-MoveStar® to your mobile device, empowering you to: Increase sales & profits ...
database_alias 要變更其註解的資料庫別名。 若要變更系統資料庫目錄中的註解,必須指定資料庫別名。 如果指定資料庫所在的路徑 (使用 path 參數) ,請輸入資料庫的名稱 (不是別名)。 使用此方法來變更本端資料庫目錄中的註解。 路徑 資料庫所在的路徑。
Enterprise Database Corporation Designed for iPad Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Description EDC-AgentLink® connects you with moving companies worldwide to receive shipment offers, register new shipments, exchange move data, send updates, complete Digital Inventories, and more! EDC-AgentLink® gives ...