Castor offers electronic data capture tools made by medical researchers, for researchers. Build your study for free within hours and capture high-quality, reusable data in a secure environment - stored in accordance with local laws and regulations. Easil
Castor’s electronic data capture (EDC) makes it easier to capture your trial data and integrate it seamlessly with other data in your clinical trial ecosystem. Castor ranks among the top 5% of EDC’s for shortest build time, with more than 90% of our studies being deployed within the ...
Castor EDC / CDMS Platform 作者Ciwit B.V. SaaS 價格自備授權 免費試用 概觀評分與評論詳細資料 + 支援 Easily capture, proces and integrate data from multiple sources on a compliant EDC/CDMS platform Castor is a leading provider of decentralized and hybrid clinical trial solutions to democratize rese...
Castor EDC / CDMS Platform 作者Ciwit B.V. SaaS 免费试用 概述评分和评价详细信息和支持 Easily capture, proces and integrate data from multiple sources on a compliant EDC/CDMS platform Castor is a leading provider of decentralized and hybrid clinical trial solutions to democratize research. With the...
认领企业 委托联系 B轮 运营中 荷兰 | 查看官网 Castor EDC是荷兰一家医学大数据采集服务商,致力于为医学研究人员提供电子数据采集平台,允许医学研究人员设置数据收集表格和问卷,并导入、导出及分析患者数据,解决医学研究中临床试验患者招募的问题。查看更多企业信息> 修改信息关注 认领企业 委托联系 维护信息相关...
Time fields in Castor only capture hours and minutes. If you want to capture time in the format HH:mm:ss, you need to use text fields. However, you can calculate with those as well! To calculate the difference between two text fields where you are capturing time as H...
简介:Castor EDC是一家致力于为医学研究人员提供电子数据采集平台。到目前为止,公司已成功地与三家大型学术医院建立了合作关系:学术医疗中心(AMC,位于阿姆斯特丹),Radboudumc(位于奈梅亨)和Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum(LUMC,位于莱顿)。Castor EDC允许医学研究人员设置数据收集表格和问卷,并导入、导出及分析患者数据...
Castor will never track, collect or share any research data from the Castor EDC platform for any purposes other than related to research with the consent of its participants. Your research data is secured and protected according to the latest standards. On our public websites we u...
3. Castor EDC:Castor EDC是一种云端电子数据捕获系统,用于支持临床研究数据的在线收集和管理。 4.EpiData:EpiData是一个免费的开源工具,用于创建临床研究数据收集表格,并进行数据输入和质量控制。 5. Qualtrics:虽然主要用于调查研究,但Qualtrics也可以用于一些临床研究中的数据收集,尤其是涉及患者问卷调查的研究。
中国电子数据采集(EDC)软件行业内主要企业为IBM, Forte Research Systems, Castor EDC, OpenClinica, Data MATRIX, Medidata Solutions, Medrio, FlaskData, Bioclinica, Anju Software, Arivis, DATATRAK, Axiom Real-Time Metrics, Prelude Dynamics。2022年大厂商(CR3)约占 %的市场份额。其中, 是国内企业,其2022年...