beograd是什么国家 贝尔格莱德(英语:Belgrade)是塞尔维亚共和国首都,地处巴尔干半岛核心位置,座落在多瑙河与萨瓦河的交汇处,北接多瑙河中游平原即伏伊伏丁那平原,南接老山山脉的延伸舒马迪亚丘陵,居多瑙河和巴尔干半岛的水陆交通要道,是欧洲和近东的重要联络点,有很重要的战略意义,被称为巴尔干之钥。 是原南斯拉夫地区的...
Beograd na vodi - Belgrade Waterfront Riverside4星级 海滩短租房(贝尔格莱德) 在预订罗马尼亚海滩短租房的客人中颇受欢迎 9.6优异的1651条海滩短租房点评 研究、完善、计划你的整个旅程 飞往罗马尼亚的航班 几分钟轻松预订前往罗马尼亚的机票! 布加勒斯特度假心动好价 ...
申请人地址(中文) Skenderbegova 3 11000 Beograd 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 - 注册公告期号 - 注册公告日期 - 专用权期限 -至 - 类似群 医疗用电子、核子、电疗和X光设备 缝合用材料 医疗用辅助器具、设备和用品 外科、医疗和兽医用仪器、器械、设备,不包括电子、核子、电疗、...
Oljača, M.V., Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd - Zemun - 《Agricultural Engineering》 被引量: 0发表: 2015年 Electrically powered forklift. A FORKLIFT (10) having an electric motor POWER TRACTORA (16), AN ELECTRIC MOTOR POWERING A pump for hydraulic circuits and a battery (19) that fe...
Location-routing problem (LRP) is a combinational optimization problem in a logistics system. Most heuristic methods employed for LRP is dividing the problem into location assignment and vehicle routing with a two-phase method, but this ... JL Blanton,RL Wainwright - International Conference on Gen...
Belgrade = Beograd War lingers in our hearts. Why carry on with a false peace? = Rat ostaje u našim srcima. Zašto nastaviti s lažnim mirom? You gormless radger! You'll dine on your own teeth before you set foot in Ireland! = Ti bezglavi divlajče! Večerat ćeš ...
Miodrag Radovanovic是一名演员,主要作品有《Slucaj u tramvaju》《Odlazak ratnika, povratak marsala》《Covek koji je bombardovao Beograd》等。 Neda OgnjanovicNeda Ognjanovic,演员,参演电影《14日》。 沃伊斯拉夫·博拉约维奇Vojislav Brajovic 其他姓名位Voja Brajovic、Voja Brajevic、Vojislav Brajevic,中文译名...
N Grubor - 《Theoria Beograd》 被引量: 0发表: 2022年 Brief Analysis for the Aesthetic Form of Chinese Garden Art Chinese garden art has developed gradually along with the neutralization--lasting appeal--artistic conception trend till to the peak, meanwhile, those aest... Zhang,L Bian - 《...
3, no. 1., Centar za proučavanje religije i versku toleran- ciju, Beograd 2009.Fahed Ziad (2009), How the Catholic Church views the Political Community?, The Politics and Religion Journal, Center for Study of Religion and Religious Toler- ance, University of Belg...