EDB Bahrain WPFeatures The GCC railway really should be built (but might not be) A rail network connecting all states in the GCC would be a boon for the regional economy but is likely to be stymied by those states less effective at building infrastructure. Jon Whiteaker Sign up for our...
Bahrain: EDB, Ithmaar Bank join hands on major initiative.
2025年2月23日,中国驻巴林大使馆倪汝池大使在官邸亲切会见巴林英国国际学校(The British School of Bahrain,BSB)执行校长莉兹·斯坦利(Liz Stanley)、业务发展部主任克里斯蒂娜·埃斯特罗(Kristina Estero)及巴林大学孔子学院中方院长周建。中国驻...
Dr. Anwar Alabdulla, ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to China, Wang Youming, director general of Invest Shenzhen, and Guo Jingwei, vice director of CCPIT Shenzhen, at the inauguration ceremony Thursday. Courtesy of Bahrain EDB
Commenting on the ties between both countries, managing director at the Italian Trade Agency, Roberto Luongo, said: “The agreement will advance the already formidable economic and trading partnership enjoyed by Italy and Bahrain. He added: “I look forward to working closely with the ...
To ensure prosperity, the Bahrain government is committed to ongoing national development strategy. Discover the next steps with Bahrain Vision 2030.
Bahrain Economic Development Board (EDB) App gives you a snapshot of Bahrain Economy by providing the latest key economic indicators and tracking the history of these indicators across the past few months or years.Compare Bahrain's ranking in 20 different internationally recognized Economic Rankings....
Bahrain EMEA Bangladesh APAC Barbados LATAM Belarus EMEA Belgium EMEA Belize LATAM Benin EMEA Bermuda LATAM Bhutan APAC Bolivia, Plurinational State of LATAM Bosnia and Herzegovina EMEA Botswana EMEA Bouvet Island EMEA Brazil LATAM British Indian Ocean Territory APAC Brunei Darussalam APAC Bulgaria EMEA ...
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