作者: María Paloma Cruz Pascal 摘要: In the city of Murcia, and thanks to the Privilege awarded by King Alfonso X in 1266, the Council had the legal authority to appoint public scribes of the city on their own request, a position for which they had to take examination and take a fai...
Caridad Angus TV Shows The Nevers Cast & Crew Trending Celebrities Sydney Sweeney Jenna Ortega Keanu Reeves Tom Hardy Scarlett Johansson Ana de Armas Tom Cruise Ryan Reynolds Pedro Pascal Channing Tatum Ryan Gosling Michael Keaton Movie Reviews 90 Wicked Review ‘Wicked’ Defies Gravity to Bring the...
维拉指挥着这支部队在圣安德列斯战役(Batallade San Andrés)和伊莎贝拉战役(Batallade Isabela)中接连以少胜多,击败联邦军,使得政府在西马德雷山脉(SierraMadre Occidental)地区出现巨大的防御漏洞,显露出维拉独特的军事指挥才能。1911年4月,维拉与由另一位北方农民军领袖帕斯卡尔·奥罗斯科(Pascal Orozco)率领的农民军...