The urogenital tract is one of the most common sites of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, however, it is not a very common finding in our clinical practice. In this tract, epididymal tuberculosis, although rare, may be the initial and only clinically manifest location of tuberculous infection. We ...
The criteria of selection included, children among 15 to 20 months, apparently healthy, with a consent form signed by the parent and attending the daycare. Questionnaires assessed tooth-brushing patterns and fluoride dentifrice use considering other possible oral hygiene practices developed at the ...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现欧洲直邮SANTA MARIA NOVELLA圣玛利亚 1221佛罗伦萨系列香氛身体的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于欧洲直邮SANTA MARIA NOVELLA圣玛利亚 1221佛罗伦萨系列香氛身体的信息,请来
翻仔集-Narin阿卡贝拉版的《Maria》鸡皮疙瘩都起来了 太好听了! 2041-迪士尼阿卡贝拉串烧,一个人的声音魔法! 晨心如风-女声合唱《匆匆那年》陈一新编曲,银玉灿指挥,湖南羽乐女子演唱 恋恋红尘-卡林巴琴/拇指琴— 卡农 Canon 完整演奏版 陌路人-【百闻牌】周深新曲《海上蝶》阿卡贝拉!全员阿离红,亦甜亦刀! 还是...
杭州亚运会进入倒计时,美丽西湖推出“HELLO西湖 你好亚运”系列视频,邀请外国友人打卡西湖区的亚运场馆及周边景点、特色街区、人文景观,沉浸式体验民俗传统,挖掘古朴的历史文化底蕴,感受时尚的现代艺术气息,展现西湖区的亚运魅力,呈现西湖区共同富裕美好社会的...
你是TestKing的WindowsXP专业版电脑的管理员,一名用户Maria最近离开了TestKing,她的账户已经从域中删除,你要把Maria用过的电脑整理一下为新的用户准备。你要把Maria的文档从WindowsXP专业版电脑上传到一个服务器上,这些文档被Maria加密了,但是你没有解密,你没有数据恢复代理,你在删除Maria的数据之前要怎么做呢?() ...
Assuming this theoretical-conceptual framework as a basis, the Author reflects on the nexus among (in)visibility, vulnerability and violence with respect to minors and the elderly; that is, in relation to "age".GIULIA BERNARDINI, MARIARevista Derechos y Libertades...
Maria Victoria del Barrio GándaraMiguel ngel Carrasco OrtizFrancisco Pablo Holgado TelloFundación Universitaria Konrad LorenzRevista Latinoamericana De PsicologíaGandara, M. V. B., Ortiz, M. A. C., & Tello, F. P. H. (2006). Analisis transversal de los cinco factores de personalidad por ...
MAYOLAS PI, Maria CARMENREVERTER MASI, JOAQUNApunts: Educació Física i EsportsMayolas, M.C.; Reverter, J. Influencia de la edad y el genero en los fenotipos y coeficientes de lateralidad en ninos de 6 a 15 anos. Apunt. ...
Gender is also associated with changes in charge (P=.014), with women requiring less charge than men, a mean of 87.3mC less. When the effects of age and gender are included in the same model, both are significant (P=.0080 andP=.0041). Thus, for the same age, women require 99.0mC...