Typing 语言 中文 年级 所有年级 课程 460 学生 311K+ 创建者: edclub 我们努力通过创新学习方法为学生提供优质的教育工具。我们的内容由经验丰富的教育工作者在公司内部设计,并对标美国的“Common Core Standards”。 互动体验 在轻松地游戏环境中练习打字——通过闯关练习、观看视频、玩游戏等赚取积分,从而获得相应...
(learning while typing) that are both free and online. I think the website has shaved weeks off an otherwise-arduous Dvorak learning experience, and I am thankful that it made it so pleasant and fun as well. Keep up the great work, and I’m excited to see what else edclub comes up...
Check out our helpful resources here: Grade-level Typing Resources Kategorie Typing Sprache English Klassenstufen 1 . grade Lektionen 752 Schüler 212K+ Erstellt von: edclub Wir streben danach, Schülern durch einen innovativen Lernansatz qualitativ hochwertige Bildungsfunktionen zu bieten. Unsere Inha...
From beginners to seasoned typists, Typing Jungle has plenty of challenging content to address every skill level. Over the course of more than 600 lessons, students become familiar with individual keys and proceed through numbers and punctuation, all the way to a goal of 75 words per minute. ...
Typing 语言 中文 年级 所有年级 课程 460 学生 311K+ 创建者: edclub 我们努力通过创新学习方法为学生提供优质的教育工具。我们的内容由经验丰富的教育工作者在公司内部设计,并对标美国的“Common Core Standards”。 互动体验 在轻松地游戏环境中练习打字——通过闯关练习、观看视频、玩游戏等赚取积分,从而获得相应...
There is no visual aid on the screen to help students with the correct finger placement, so a prior keyboarding course such as Typing Jungle is highly recommended. 类别 Typing 语言 English 年级 所有年级 课程 20 学生 370K+ 创建者: edclub 我们努力通过创新学习方法为学生提供优质的教育工具。我们...
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There is no visual aid on the screen to help students with the correct finger placement, so a prior keyboarding course such as Typing Jungle is highly recommended. Category Typing Language English Grades All grades Lessons 20 Learners 743K+ Created by: edclub We strive to provide quality ...