This video was produced by TED-Ed, TED’s youth and education initiative. Read more about TED-Ed. Newsletters Get the latest talks Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick mix of trending content. Subscribe By subscribing, you understand and agree that we will store, proce...
TEDx Talks 首先x的含义是independently organized events authorized by TED, TEDx是TED在2009年推出的一个品牌,它鼓励全球各地的人申请举办当地的TEDx活动,当然,你首先得拿到美国给你的license,然后就可以举办了,TEDx不可以代表TED,有活动自主权,但必须受到TED管辖~那么,在TEDx上的演讲人的演讲,...
TED Fellows TED Ed TED Translators TED Institute The Audacious Project TED@Work Podcasts TED Blog More ways to get TED Our community TED Speakers TED Fellows TED Translators TEDx Organizers TED Community Newsletters Get the latest talks Get a daily email featuring the latest talk, plus a quick ...
在TED Ed Student Talks青少年演讲专场中,孩子们不仅展示了独到的见解和新颖的观点,更在演讲技巧上值得孩子们学习。无论是中文还是英文,他们都自信地表达,善于运用眼神与观众交流。通过恰当的肢体语言,如头部和手部的动作,孩子们的演讲更加生动有力,同时也能有效缓解紧张情绪。启迪思想,开阔视野 这些少年的演讲...
Create lessons around any TED-Ed Animation, TED talk or YouTube video. Help your students share their ideas Our Student Talks program helps students develop and share their ideas. Share YOUR big idea in a TED-style talk Create your own TED-style talk with TED Masterclass, a program for ed...
首播时间:20200817 语言/字幕:汉语 更新时间:20200817 简介:ted演讲百科上传的生活视频:「TEDEd」发呆时漂浮在你视线中的浮游是什么?,粉丝数940,作品数281,点赞数3,收藏数3,免费在线观看,视频简介:TED Talks UP主简介 ted演讲百科 粉丝数:940 作品数:281...
今天宝妈为大家带来TED-Ed weekend student talks 带英文字幕 TED-Ed weekend student talks 学生演讲项目支持学生通过简短的TED风格的演讲来发现、探索和展示他们的伟大思想。 好课分享!TED-Ed 周末学生演讲,让…
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