The meaning of WORSHIP is to honor or show reverence for as a divine being or supernatural power. How to use worship in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Worship.
The meaning of LEAFLET is one of the divisions of a compound leaf. How to use leaflet in a sentence.
1.Obliterate with black, as in crossing out words on a page or print on a screen. For example,They have blacked out all the obscene words in the subtitles to make this movie suitable for youngsters. This usage may be derived from an earlier meaning, "to stain or defame," which dates...
broach [someone’s] claretTo give someone a bloody nose. This euphemistically elegant expression for a very inelegant action and its result plays on the meaning ofbroach‘to draw liquor from a cask’ and on claret as a red wine of Bordeaux. ...
Define Duckbilled. Duckbilled synonyms, Duckbilled pronunciation, Duckbilled translation, English dictionary definition of Duckbilled. n. 1. See platypus. 2. See hadrosaurid. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyri
Educationeducation:a course in driver's ed; adult ed. by shortening Ed(ed),USA pronunciationn. a male given name, form ofEdgarorEdward. ED, Government,SeeDepartment of Education. [Pathol.]erectile dysfunction. ED50,[Pharm.] Drugseffective dose for 50 percent of the group; ...
意思meaning 绘画drawing 训练training 录音tape-recording 衣物clothing 感觉feeling 十字路口 crossing 工资earnings 问候greeting 储蓄savings 发生的事 happenings 发现findings 财产belongings 痛苦sufferings 贡品offerings 环境surroundings 保龄球 bowling 举重weight-lifting ...
Does this solution make use of the built-in Brightspace Attendance tool? Answer #3 from Brightspace Helper Good question!No, the solution I originally provided relies on theGradebook, meaning it would only work if attendance is being recorded as a graded item (e.g., if you manually enter ...
Today, these are called welfare programs, and they usually take the form of government-provided subsidies for housing, food, energy, and healthcare. Typically, these programs are means-tested, meaning that only people who fall below a certain income level are eligible for benefits. This policy ...
It was also often associated with declining spending on student services, meaning that in-state students usually didn’t benefit from public colleges recruiting from beyond their state borders. The report’s findings contradict common assumptions about out-of-state recruiting. “In general, don’...