第二年,埃德和他的学生发表了生活满意度量表(Satisfaction With Life Scale, SWLS),这是使用最广泛的幸福感衡量标准之一,该论文被引用了30000多次。从1984年到1986年,埃德在《人格与社会心理学杂志》上发表了九篇文章。 Diener, E. (1984). Subjective well-being. Psychological Bulletin, 95(3), 542–575. ...
采用Diener等编制的生活满意度量表(Satisfaction With Life Scale,SWLS),该量表应用广泛,具有良好的信效度(Diener & Suh,2000),共五个项目(如“我的生活状况非常圆满”),采用1(非常不同意)~7(非常同意)7点计分,项目均值得分越高表示生活满意度越高。在本研究中SWLS的Cronbach α系数为0.82。 2.2.3简版流调中...
本研究采用自编的获得感量表、安全感量表和Diener等人编制的生活满意度量表(Satisfaction With Life Scale,SWLS)来考察美好生活需要与获得感、安全感、幸福感间的关系。从相关分析的结果可以看出(见表1),美好生活体验、美好生活需要与获得感、...
Tests employed were 'Satisfaction With Life Scale' based on 'subjective well-being' by Ed Diener (1984). Following the collection of data, the raw scores were analyzed using Ed Diener's standardized analysis for SWLS... SS Juneja - 《International Journal of Indian Psychology》 被引量: 0发...
Diener等(1984)认为生活满意度是主观幸福感的重要组成部分,并编制了生活满意度量表(theSatisfactionWithLifeScale,SWLS)。SWLS是单维量表,共10题,使用likert5点计分,1表示完全不符合,5表示完全符合,总分越高,幸福感越强。研究证明SWLS信效度良好,在对幸福感的跨文化研究中被广泛应用。 国内对幸福感的测量和研究大致...
Lower sexual function was related to low SWL, age and menopausal symptoms while low SWLS score was related with economical problems, smoking, menopausal symptoms, and partner factors. 展开 关键词: Changes in Sexual Functioning Questionnaire Menopause Rating Scale Diener Satisfaction with Life Scale ...
They completed the Diener Satisfaction with Life Scale, the Menopause Rating Scale, the Perceived Stress Scale, the Insomnia Severity Index and a sociodemographic questionnaire containing personal and partner data. Internal consistency of each tool was also calculated. Almost two-thirds (61.3%) of the...
Francis Scale of Attitude towards Christianity, Diener's Satisfaction with Life Scale, Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, Purpose in Life test, Steger's Meaning in Life Questionnaire, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Bipolar Big Five Markers ... P Halama,T Martos,L Adamovova - 《Studia Psychologica》...