According to the NHS eczema (a.k.a atopic dermatitis) is a common skin condition that causes itchy, dry and flaky skin. It affects people of all ages, however, it is most commonly found in young children and to date, has no cure. However, its symptoms can be managed with the right ...
Babies are more likely to get eczema on their cheeks, arms and legs, whereas teenagers and adults are mostly affected on the hands and feet, backs of knees, insides of elbows, and the back of the neck. For more information on the signs and causes of eczema, watch our video with ...
Although this can feel quite severe due to your child being so young, it's important to know that eczema is very common and also treatable. In this guide, we'll aim to help you understand newborn baby eczema symptoms, the most common signs of eczema in babies and tips on how to treat...
Babies are more likely to get eczema on their cheeks, arms and legs, whereas teenagers and adults are mostly affected on the hands and feet, backs of knees, insides of elbows, and the back of the neck. For more information on the signs and causes of eczema, watch our video with ...
Babies usually experience flare-ups on their cheeks, whereas adults tend to get them in other areas such as elbows, backs of knees and neck. But no matter your age, eczema breakouts can be triggered by a variety of factors; including your genetics and environmental factors. It’s important ...