美[ɪɡˈzimə] 英[ˈeksɪmə] n.湿疹 网络过敏性湿疹;异位性皮肤炎;湿疹的简介 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 eczema n. 1. 湿疹a skin condition in which areas of skin become red, rough and itchy 释义: 全部,湿疹,过敏性湿疹,异位性皮肤炎,湿疹的简介...
Eczemaalmost always begins in childhood, usually during infancy. 湿疹几乎总是发生于儿童, 通常在幼年时期. 期刊摘选 Sensitive andeczematreatment, supplementary oxygen aging. 治疗敏感及湿疹 、 补充氧气,抗老化. 期刊摘选 The treatment ofeczemain children, essentially the same as infantileeczema. ...
尤其是当你患有中度到重度湿疹 且不介意掉几颗牙齿时 10.It was like, uh, you were telling me you had, uh,eczemaor something like that. 就好像你在告诉我 你得湿疹了那么随意 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词eczema的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
1、allergiceczema[医] 变应性湿疹, 变应性皮炎 2、atopiceczema[医] 特应性湿疹, 变应性皮炎 3、baker'seczema[网络] 揉面湿疹 4、bakers'eczema[医] 揉面湿疹, 揉面痒病 5、Brocq'seczema[医] 布罗克氏湿疹, 脚癣 6、chroniceczema慢性湿疹; 干癣 ...
eczema的意思、解释 eczema 基本解释 eczema在线翻译 名词[医]湿疹 eczema 网络解释 1. 1. 疹:湿疹(ECZEMA) 湿疹(ECZEMA)[转贴]湿疹是皮肤过敏的一种状态. 孩子最 2. 2. 湿气:专业人士评点:湿气是归属一种肉皮儿过敏征象 啥子是湿气 湿气(eczema)是一种常见的由多种表里因素导致的皮面及真皮浅层的炎症性皮...
特应性皮炎(Eczema):从瘙痒之苦,到生活质量的提升 #金秋聊健康# 特应性皮炎,又称湿疹,是一种常见但饱受病患折磨的慢性、复发性、炎症性皮肤疾病。最明显的症状之一就是剧烈的瘙痒,这种痒感可让人不堪其扰,导致皮肤抓痕、破溃,进而严重影响生活质量。让我们深入了解这一疾病,从其发病率、病因到最新的...
Relieve and protect baby’s sensitive skin with HappySkin eczema clothing UK. Our baby eczema clothing soothes, repairs, and shields dry, damaged skin, offering a steroid-free, permanent solution for eczema in babies, toddlers, and children. Experience c
Eczema Relief Hydrogel Ultra-lightweight and clinically proven to immediately soothe irritation from eczema Learn More Build Your Routine With High-Performance Face, Sun, & Body care Take The Quiz Immersive Hydration Intensively hydrates and visibly smoothes fine lines and wrinkles ...
Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families.(湿疹是一种常见的皮肤病,常会遗传。) This natural remedy also helps in reducing various rashes and eczema.(这个自然方法对减少各种皮疹和湿疹也很有效。) The direct cause is a chemical distress signal produced in skin that is dama...