This grading is system is transparent, unbiased and easy to understand for the student. The best benefit is individual grades can be converted easily for the student transfer from one educational institution to another. This conversion rate may differ from one country to another so carefully check ...
The ECTS grading systems are not replacing the local grading systems, but they're meant to be a supplement to local grades, for example, on a transcript of records. Similar to theAmerican grading scale, the ECTS is based on the class percentile. That means that the grade shows how a ...
ThegradingscaleusedattheFacultyofManagement,EconomicsandSo- cialSciences,UniversityofColognerangesfrom1,0(sehrgut)to5,0(mangelhaft). 1,0(sehrgut)isthehighestgradeandisrarelyawarded,asisthegrade1,3 (sehrgut–).. Thelowestpassgradeis4,0(ausreichend). Participatedmeansthatthestudentattendedclassesregularl...
ECTS Grades. The ECTS grading scale is based on the assessment, expressing the student’s enrolled in the last three years of the same percentile of a student in a given performance relatively to other...