It mustbepointedoutat this time that grades awarded according to this scale are not directly transferabletoECTS credits. 必须指出的是,此时按等级范围给与的评估不能直接转换为ECTs学分。 ...
The ECTS credit system is not restricted to the EHEA. Many countries around the world, particularly in Africa and central Asia have adopted Bologna-style reforms and implemented a credit system which aligns with ECTS at 60 credits per full-time academic year. If the standard credit workload at...
Usually one credit is equivalent to 10 notional hours of study. The 10 hours include contact time and an allocation for self-study. ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. Usually two UK Credits equal one ECTS Credit....
ICT Driving Licence at the University of Helsinki: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Study Fields Tiina Heino Päivi Helminen 31 March, 2009 Helsinki University. The UK Credit Framework and the Bologna Process Tim Cobbett Director of Quality and Governance. Number of staff (including Collegium Medicum)...