Many psychiatric patients with concomitant neurologic disorders can be successfully treated with electroconvulsive treatments (ECT). The selection of patients and the appropriate technique must be made by a psychiatrist experienced in the use of ECT. Untreated mental illness can lead to chronic disability...
Most patients (78%) were referred through psychiatric consultation and the remainder came from psychiatric hospitalization (only 3 were never hospitalized). 41 patients were under maintenance treatment and 14 under acute treatment. Concerning the type of treatment 30 were subm...
A key benefit of ECT therapy is its high level of effectiveness. Studies show that ECT is 80% effective on average, and in some trials, ECT is 90% effective. Additionally, ECT is one of only three psychiatric treatments that decrease a patient’s chance of suicide. A second significant be...
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is often performed for patients with psychiatric disorders who also have diabetes mellitus. Some research has suggested that the course of ECT treatments does not have a consistent effect on blood glucose, but little data exist to inform the clinician about the effects...
ECT relieves symptoms of depression within one to two weeks after beginning treatments. After a course of ECT, some patients will continue to have maintenance ECT, while others will return to or continue antidepressant or other psychiatric medications to maintain their mental health on a long-term...
Convulsive therapy was introduced to psychiatric practice in 1934. It was widely hailed as an effective treatment for schizophrenia and quickly recognized as equally effective for the affective disorders. Like other somatic treatments, it was replaced by psychotropic drugs introduced in the 1950s and ...
National and international psychiatric societies ignore ECT in their educational programmes. I believe that the leaders have a duty to our patients to provide a forum and educational opportunities for their members for all interventions that may relieve mental disorders. To ignore ECT, an effective ...
Ironically, ECT's worst enemy has been the psychiatric profession. The over-use of the treatment during the forties and fifties and sixties, often against the patient's will, under primitive conditions, and on populations upon whom the procedure conferred no benefit, gave rise to strong oppositio...
135. The ban follows reports that Dr Yang Yongxin, from Linyi City's psychiatric hospital, in Shandong province, was using electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). 136. It is necessary for the design of a microwave communication project to know such parameters as location and height of obstacle, proper...
"In the psychiatric field we have had a clear impression that the fear of dying due to ECT was unfounded, but we have lacked a large-scale study on the topic. We have therefore conducted asystematic reviewof the literature that contains information about so-called ECT-related deaths, that ...